Bowl of cherries

My life in this Golden Age of recent retirement is such a bowl of cherries, that each day I choose some other delicious adventure or activity.  While a new fitness routine is the biggest challenge, my time is dominated by “cocooning’’ a return to hobbies and interests of my 20s and early 30s.  This evidently is a trend for baby boomer women to return to handiwork, in my case, triggered by the arrival of the first grand-daughter.  As a young woman, I was a good dressmaker and made many of my own clothes and those of my young daughters.  I have had framed  the tiny baptism gown I made from left-over bridal lace for my first baby,  Serena.  As a housewife and mother, I enjoyed cooking and entertaining and gardening, but all of these pleasurable pursuits were swept aside for the past 28 years of my professional life as a mature-age tertiary student (8 years) and newspaper journalist for the past two decades.  I sold my Necchi sewing machine years ago. Feminism replaced the familial,  and I thumbed my nose at a  woman’s homely role, a fact which irked my mother.

Retirement was justifiably a risky time after an exciting work life, but I planned to do something different each day – and adopting a much healthier lifestyle involving gym fitness two or three times a week was a vital factor.  Despite a top-flight gymnasium in-house at The Advertiser I had never used the facility more than a half a dozen times a year, so building a new lifestyle would be a challenge. I had written so many articles linking fitness and agility with longevity that now I must walk my own talk.

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3 Comments to “Bowl of cherries”

  1. By chris D, 13/05/2010 @ 1:42 pm

    How exciting to be part of this new website, the launch was wonderful such an interesting and diverse group of people.
    We look forward to being partof the next chapter of your lives THE HOUSE and FILM!!

    • By nadine, 14/05/2010 @ 7:22 am

      Hi Chris, Many thanks for your thoughts. Ifeel as if I am working again with thewebsite, but yes, it is so exciting.

      • By Janeece, 17/05/2010 @ 2:36 pm

        I have just spent a half hour walking through your latest venture. It is absolutely brilliant and I congratulate you. It certainly meets a need out there……and it is inspirational.

        I remember you talking to me about your ideas when we were all in France last year watching the children in the playground so to see the final product is great.

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