Staving Off Ageing:

 Yes, it’s a hellava way off, but by the year 2070 scientists expect to have found the key to slowing down the ageing process.

Scientists are slowly piecing together the ageing process at the genetic and molecular level – and it augurs well for the longevity of our grand-children.

Surprisingly many of the genes that regulate the ageing process have been found in yeast cells, fruit flies and worms.

And if that’snot mysterious enough, we  know that we are 98.5 per cent genetically similar to chimpanzees, so why do we live twice as long?  Are those the genes which lengthen our life span? Can they be manipulated?

After all, scientists have lengthened the life span of mice, rabbits, dogs, cats and monkeys and according to Dr Leonard Guarente, of MIT calorie restriction is the answer. If you feed dogs and cats, for instance, 30 per cent fewer calories, they live 30 per cent longer.

He has discovered the  gene SIR2, and says: “If the SIR2 gene is counter-acting ageing in yeast and in worms, it is doing that universally. And that would include in mammals, and that would include us.’’

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